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Nighthawks[1] is a song by The Midnight. It is the tenth track from their album Endless Summer.

Track info

The song was written by band members Tim McEwan and Tyler Lyle alongside Oliver McEwan and produced by Tim McEwan. It has a running time of three minutes and forty-eight seconds and is in the key of C-sharp minor.

According to Tim McEwan, Nighthawks and its successive track Lonely City were almost written and produced as one song, with Lonely City acting as a "chorus" to Nighthawks.[2] He later decided Nighthawks sounded more like a progression into Lonely City instead and split the song into two tracks. Tyler Lyle stated that the song originally had more lyrics, but McEwan thought something was missing from the track, leading to the lyrics being pared down and the vocoder effect added to Lyle's voice.[3]

A remix of Nighthawks by Lifelike can be found on The Midnight Remixed. Two versions are included - one that is regular length and another that is extended.


i see you

you see me eighteenth floor across the street sometimes you dance sometimes you read

tv dinners fall asleep


do i ever cross your mind

through your window in the sky when you forget to close the blinds

so do i


i see you

check your phone wash the dishes fold the clothes sometimes you stay up and get stoned

but you always sleep alone


do i ever cross your mind

through your window in the sky when you forget to close the blinds

so do i

Lyrics source[4]
