Endless Summer (song)

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Endless Summer (song)

Endless Summer[1] is a song by The Midnight. It is the first track from their album endless_summer.

Track info

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 50%; height: 42px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=127928033/size=small/bgcol=333333/linkcol=F81472/track=687934584/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://themidnight.bandcamp.com/album/endless-summer">Endless Summer by The Midnight</a></iframe>
The song was written by band members Tim McEwan and Tyler Lyle and produced by McEwan. It has a running time of six minutes and forty-five seconds and is in the key of E-flat major. The saxophone on Endless Summer was performed by Thomas Edinger.

According to McEwan, the "Should have known at the end..." vocal parts in the song were made from an online voice generator with the notes manipulated.[2]


[should have known at the end of summer

the innocence fades and the weak become stronger should have known at the end of the summer

I'd be lost without you]


the skyline looked like a stained glass window

the city sang such mad crescendo four bare feet on a rain soaked street

summer airbrushed fever dreams


disappeared in a camera flash

why do the bad girls never last lost in gin and lemonade

electrospins and the mermaid parade


four quartets and no regrets

except for the polaroids i left you were just some spell i was under

that endless summer

Lyrics source[3]