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[Silk Music single cover] WeMoveForward[1] is a song by the_midnight. It is the third track from their EP days_of_thunder. The song was later released as a single on March 28, 2016 through the label Silk Music.[2]


Track info

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 50%; height: 42px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2356232839/size=small/bgcol=333333/linkcol=F81472/track=3826232544/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://themidnight.bandcamp.com/album/days-of-thunder">Days of Thunder by The Midnight</a></iframe>
The song was written by band members tim_mcewan and tyler_lyle and produced by McEwan. It has a running time of eight minutes and seven seconds and is in the key of [[WP>E-flat major|E-flat major]].

WeMoveForward was the first song McEwan and Lyle wrote together as a duo upon their initial meeting in 2012.[3] According to McEwan, the band was not decided on their direction and overall sound when the song was made, which is why it has a more [[WP>progressive house|progressive house]] feel compared to the other songs on Days of Thunder.[4]

There are two official remixes of WeMoveForward by Talamanca and Johan Vilborg which can be found on the_midnight_remixed. The Talamanca Remix was also included on the song's single release.

Demo version

An early demo of WeMoveForward was released as a prize during the Fall 2020 alternate reality game (ARG). Titled We Move Forward (early demo version), the sound in the demo has a more electronic dance and house feel, but the piano backing heard in the final is present. There are a few lyrical changes, with lines of "We can't go back" and "It feels like home" added after the first chorus and second verse, respectively, which were not kept in the final. The last verse heard at the end of the song in the final version is missing in the demo as well.

<audio class="mediacenter"> <source src="/_media/songs/we_move_forward_early_demo_version_.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <source src="/_media/songs/we_move_forward_early_demo_version_.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> </audio>

===== Track listing ===== WeMoveForward (incl. Talamanca Remix)[5] {| ! style="text-align:left; border:none; background-color:#F8147230"| # ! style="border:none; background-color:#F8147230"| TITLE ! style="border:none; background-color:#F8147230"| LENGTH |- |style="border:none;"|1. |style="border:none;"|WeMoveForward (Talamanca Remix) |style="text-align:right; border:none;"|7:30 |- |style="border:none;"|2. |style="border:none;"|WeMoveForward (Original Mix) |style="text-align:right; border:none;"|8:09 |- |style="border:none;"|3. |style="border:none;"|WeMoveForward (Instrumental Mix) |style="text-align:right; border:none;"|8:08 |- ! style="border:none; background-color:#F8147230"| |style="text-align:left; border:none; background-color:#F8147230""|TOTAL LENGTH |style="text-align:right; border:none; background-color:#F8147230""|23:47 |}


Sun in my eyes and the gold coast shining

And the girl with the braids in her hair Steady breeze and oh I was falling I would follow her anywhere The sky turned grey in a flash flood warning She smiled and she took my hand She kissed my lips and the rain came pouring

Swore I heard a marching band



‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward ‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward ‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward

‘Cause we can't go back


Hanging out of the third story window

Oh you were a sight to see The black dress that bends when the wind blows

Roll back the tide for me



‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward ‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward ‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward

‘Cause we can't go back



‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward ‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward ‘Cause we can't go back WeMoveForward

‘Cause we can't go back


Sunset skies, the paint is peeling, the wind blowing sand in her hair

Endless days in the deep blue feeling

I would follow her anywhere