River of Darkness

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River of Darkness

River of Darkness[1] is a song by the_midnight featuring Timecop1983. It is the fourth track from their album nocturnal.

Track info

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 50%; height: 42px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2514204352/size=small/bgcol=333333/linkcol=F81472/track=2890118056/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://themidnight.bandcamp.com/album/nocturnal">Nocturnal by The Midnight</a></iframe>
The song was written by band members tim_mcewan and tyler_lyle alongside Jordy Leenaerts and produced by McEwan. The saxophone on River of Darkness was performed by thomas_edinger and the lead guitar was done by Pelle Hillström. It has a running time of six minutes and five seconds and is in the key of E-flat minor.


Glowing windows in the buildings from the elevated train

I see a thousand different stories pass

And faces without names


I forget why I came here

And forget why I stay And wonder if they'd notice

If I tried to Slipped away


What if I kept going

What if I don't get off tonight What if I ride this to the edges

Through the darkness to the light


Could I find you there?

Could I find you there?

If I slipped away?


What if there's no answer

We’re all just hearts that have to fight Through the dangers of the rapids

Through the darkness to the light


Could I find you there?

Could I find you there?

If I slipped away?

Lyrics source[2]