Dream Away

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Dream Away

Dream Away[1] is a song by the_midnight. It is the fifth track from their album monsters.


Track info

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 50%; height: 42px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2390823575/size=small/bgcol=333333/linkcol=F81472/track=853365016/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://themidnight.bandcamp.com/album/monsters">Monsters by The Midnight</a></iframe>
The song was written by band members tim_mcewan and tyler_lyle and produced by McEwan. It has a running time of three minutes and thirty-nine seconds and is in the key of [[WP>B-flat major|B-flat major]].

McEwan has said that Dream Away is a "homage to the 90s wave of world influenced electronic music like [[WP>Deep Forest|Deep Forest]] and [[WP>Enigma (German band)|Engima]]."[2][3] During an interview with Magnetic Magazine, the band further elaborated on the song:[4] <blockquote>
Tim: This was a sketch I had called “Far, Far Away.” I just knew I wanted to evoke a journey to a distant land. A lot of 90s world music came to mind. The big inspirations for this were artists like Deep Forest and Enigma and those Pure Moods compilation CDs from the 90s.

Tyler: To waste your life asking the wrong questions, building the wrong reality is one of the saddest heartbreaks. I wrote this song initially as part of a podcast series I did between ‘16-18 while reading a lot of Emile Durkheim. Maybe the answer is to let go of the fantasy so that you can start living in the more disappointing, but real world. Maybe not? </blockquote>


I was busy dreaming

Building us a world Day dreaming up a good life

That wouldn’t hurt and wouldn’t spoil


The sun never set there

The water, clean and pure In the beauty there was purpose

So certain, safe and sure


I could’ve lived this lie forever

But from far far away I thought I heard you calling

You said I could not stay


And I woke up in a fever

My calculations were wrong These pillars could not hold us

And the angels were gone


When hope makes you bleed

When life gets you down There’s all the love you need



To make a way for the dark heart

To feel the love I’ve found There’s all the love you need



We dream away…


A picture of a sunset

Above a turquoise tide The beauty of a just world

And the convenience of a lie


I tore down that picture

There is no other perfect life But in the dirt under my fingers

Maybe something will survive


When hope makes you bleed

When life gets you down There’s all the love you need



To make a way for the dark heart

To feel the love I’ve found There’s all the love you need



We dream away…

Lyrics source[5]