...that <a href="/wiki/Lost_%26_Found" title="Lost & Found">Lost & Found</a> was originally released on the <a href="/wiki/Tyler_Lyle" title="Tyler Lyle">Tyler Lyle</a> album The Native Genius of Desert Plants?...that for five years <a href="/wiki/Comet" title="Comet">Comet</a> was nothing more than a small snippet on Facebook before finally being released in 2021?...that <a href="/wiki/Brooklyn" title="Brooklyn">Brooklyn</a> was originally released on the <a href="/wiki/Tyler_Lyle" title="Tyler Lyle">Tyler Lyle</a> album The Floating Years?...that <a href="/wiki/Nighthawks" title="Nighthawks">Nighthawks</a> and <a href="/wiki/Lonely_City" title="Lonely City">Lonely City</a> were once one combined song?...that <a href="/wiki/Daytona" title="Daytona">Daytona</a> had a working title of Daytona Beach?