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I really wish you would disappoint me just one time so I wouldn’t retain such high expectations constantly. It’s exhausting being so thrilled all the time.
Shame it's not on spotify. I use spotify for all my music streaming because its most convenient for me while I'm at work. I hope it ends up there eventually.
Any particular reason behind this being Amazon exclusive? I imagine they cut you a deal of some sort but just wondering if there’s anything else in it. Looking forward to hearing the EP if/when it comes to Spotify!
Sooooooo excited to listen to this!! I’m glad the cassette/LP copies have digital codes, I instantly ordered a tape for my collection!!
Is there any way to purchase the digital download without buying physical stuff? I want the album but don't need a vinyl or cassette.
Well this is new music is just goddamn stunning, every single song. Good in Red, with the line “it’s time to set your gasoline heart on fire” what a line! Then you hit us with a Bruce classic, Because The Night...Killer 👊 PS - Please play this one live 🤞
Not sure if it was intentional or not but the digital download from vinyl pre-orders is a 1.1gb zip of WAV files. Way bigger and not in a form many folks will find useful. Seemed like an error (rather than going 320 kps mp3s or something).
Never supporting amazon music but I definitely will always support you guys directly by buying your vinyls🎶💚✨
A group that fights the machine, goes exclusively on a platform that is the machine. You guys need to make your cut, I get it. Hopefully the royalties pay better, but alienating your fan base is against your morales Tim & Tyler. Still gonna buy that Vinyl though
Just a note here for the people wishing to add these tracks in their Spotify app and playlists: If you purchase the digital download from Amazon and turn on "local files" in your Spotify settings, you can play them in the app and add them to any of your playlists 🙂
So the digital downloads are sold exclusively through Amazon? I didn't see a digital only link at your site or Bandcamp page. Just checking. Exciting nonetheless. This is a great way to kick off the weekend!
The guitar solo on Neon Medusa is absolutely sick. I never thought I would ever use the cassette player on my old stereo again but as someone else said, what we wouldn't do for you guys 😀. Another synthwave masterpiece!
What a badass surprise!! Thanks so much! The EP is awesome, as I knew it would be. The "Because The Night" cover is gorgeous, and "Neon Medusa" is one of your most epic tracks!
How awesome are the Midnight. Other bands make you wait MONTHS after announcing their new album. With Monsters already out this year, they're working overtime. The Intro, The Stranger, sounds just like Christine (1983). So goooood
This is an amazing ep. I insta ordered as I do usually with your releases, but this ep is honestly some of the best material you’ve put out. Love it!
Yesterday I drove 12hrs to Chicago and the amount that I played this EP is INSANE. It's SO GOOD. Neon Medusa and Good in Red are gonna be absolute concert bangers and I'm going to have this whole album on repeat for a LONG time. So thank you so much for creating this 🤙 💜
is there a date that this will be available on other platforms? I exclusively use amazon music for this EP currently and nothing else
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